[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on DISTURBING VIDEO: Conservative activist pummeled a....

Ánh Nam Trang has left a new comment on your post "DISTURBING VIDEO: Conservative activist pummeled a...":

Campus Reform quoted Williams as saying: "Some students nearby tabling were laughing, even one guy was smiling while I was being attacked and trying to hand me his flyer as a joke. The idea is free speech has consequences.... which include you getting assaulted if they find you promoting ideas others don't agree with."

Alex Szarka, a junior who happened to be passing by when the altercation broke out, filmed it to ensure that there would be documentation and that the man who punched Williams is held accountable, he told Fox News.

"I was walking by when I saw it, it escalated so quickly," Szarka said. "The Turning Point USA table had signs that on a campus like Berkeley, would be seen as provocative. I was surprised to see [the reaction] be this bad. I would like to see the guy get arrested, and expelled immediately. In any other situation, without the politics, this would absolutely be a very well-publicized thing. I was in disbelief."

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Posted by Ánh Nam Trang to Trang Ánh Nam at February 21, 2019 at 5:10 PM

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