[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Mike Pompeo says ISIS wife from Alabama will not b....

Trang Ánh Nam has left a new comment on your post "Mike Pompeo says ISIS wife from Alabama will not b...":

In 2015, Muthana reportedly operated a Twitter account and once tried to use it to incite Americans to commit acts of violence amongst themselves on national holidays.

"Americans wake up! Men and women altogether. You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping!" she once wrote, according to The Guardian. "Go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriots, Memorial, etc day … Kill them."

Muthana now has an 18-month-old son from one of her ISIS marriages. In her interview with The Guardian, Muthana also claims her parents were too strict on her in her upbringing, a factor that she says contributed to her decision to defect to ISIS.

"You want to go out with your friends and I didn't get any of that," she said. "I turned to my religion and went in too hard. I was self-taught and thought whatever I read, it was right."

Now Muthana is not allowed to leave the camp she is being held at and has to be escorted around by Kurdish fighters, more than 6,500 miles away from the Alabama city she once called home.

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Posted by Trang Ánh Nam to Trang Ánh Nam at February 20, 2019 at 6:46 PM

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