[Học Để Thi] New comment on Hillary Clinton says: 'I'm not running' for presid....

Ánh Nam Trang has left a new comment on your post "Hillary Clinton says: 'I'm not running' for presid...":

What she doesn't uderstand is that nobody is listening to her, not even her own party, the other declared candidates and probably even Slick Willie. The Democratic Party has nobody worth running for President. Their "stars" are either too old (out of touch), too far left, or too ingenuous and people see right through them. Obama was a fluke. He was groomed to read a TelePromper and even how to change his dialect depending on who he was speaking to. Obviously Killary taught him that. And she had the audacity to speak about truth and integrity to the "forever enslaved to the Dems" today. Why do networks and print news still waste precious time covering her when nobody cares to listen?

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Posted by Ánh Nam Trang to Học Để Thi at March 5, 2019 at 6:06 PM

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