[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on CPAC speaker slams 'ghost of John McCain' on stage....

Miller Stephen has left a new comment on your post "CPAC speaker slams 'ghost of John McCain' on stage...":

"I'm looking at you Paul Ryan, I'm looking at you Mitch McConnell, I'm looking at you Bush family and I'm looking at you the ghost of John McCain."

Yes, yes, yes, did a standing O right here at my desk when she said that.

Thankfully she called out the fact that someone like Van Jones was invited to CPAC. Whoever in the hel1 came up with that disastrous idea?

Yesterday morning I heard Matt Schlapp, the head of CPAC, being interviewed on the radio as CPAC kicked off. He sounded very proud that he had invited those like Van Jones and Bill Press. He relayed a conversation he had with Bill Press before the event, as it was being planned. He said he asked Press how he wanted to do his segment, did he want to do it as a friendly exchange? Press told him heck no, he (Press) didn't agree with anything CPAC was about.

WTH was Schlapp thinking? Personally I never supported Matt and/or Mercedes Schlapp running CPAC. Malkin was right to point out what CPAC used to stand for, all those years ago. Remember when CPAC invited GoProud as a co- sponsor of the event? Yeah, their behavior was so bad, the "Island of Misfit Toys," they were never allowed to co-sponsor the event again. Yet here we are in 2019 with Van Jones and Bill Press.

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Posted by Miller Stephen to Trang Ánh Nam at March 1, 2019 at 9:10 PM

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