[Rush Limbaugh] New comment on Vice President Mike Pence slams Pelosi for tearing....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "Vice President Mike Pence slams Pelosi for tearing...":

SE Cupp: Trump shows he can win four more years

Trump's State of the Union speech tonight was a winner. By that I mean, it should remind everyone, especially Democrats, that he could very well be on his way to winning another four years.

Let's be clear, as fact-checker Daniel Dale was busy pointing out on Twitter, it was full of half-truths and total distortions. But the broad themes Trump hit on are likely to be very popular with wide swaths of American voters.

The economy is good, unemployment is down, and his administration passed key pieces of legislation like paid family leave for federal employees, funds for combating opioid addiction and criminal justice reform.

He boasted of fighting ISIS and putting not one but two prolific terrorist leaders in the ground.

And he directly addressed some of the Democrats' more extreme positions: promising that "we will never let socialism destroy American healthcare," and vowing to end late-term abortion, to uphold the Second Amendment and to end sanctuary city policies.
Democrats don't want to believe it, but all of that probably sounds more reasonable and indeed mainstream than a number of the policies most of the Democrats for president are running on, like free health care for undocumented immigrants, abolishing private health insurance, banning guns and unrestricted abortion rights. If you took Trump out of the House tonight, that speech would probably even appeal to many Democratic and independent voters.

Trump, of course, is both his best pitchman as well as his own worst enemy. Democrats are betting that his lies, his insults and his impeachment will overshadow these winning messages. I wish they mattered as much as they think they do. But I'm willing to bet that if Democrats underestimate the potency of these promises in favor of unpopular, far-left policies, he'll get four more years.

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Posted by Erin Burnett to Rush Limbaugh at February 5, 2020 at 1:29 PM

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