[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Schumer compares Mitch McConnell to Herbert Hoover....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "Schumer compares Mitch McConnell to Herbert Hoover...":

Tensions on the Hill amid GOP push to investigate

Tensions have flared on Capitol Hill over Senate Republicans' push to investigate Obama administration officials and the origins of the Russia investigation. The probes, Democrats say, are designed to dig up dirt against former Vice President's son Hunter Biden, who has worked in Ukraine. Schumer has said Republicans are chasing a "wild conspiracy theory."

On Wednesday, the Senate Homeland Security Committee voted 8-6 to subpoena Blue Star Strategies, a lobbying firm that was a consultant to Burisma, a gas company in Ukraine that paid Hunter Biden to serve as a board member.

There is no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens, and Hunter Biden has denied using his influence with his father to aid Burisma. But Republicans coming to President Donald Trump's defense during and after last year's impeachment trial have encouraged investigations of Hunter Biden's activities, questioning whether his highly paid job created a conflict of interest for Joe Biden as the former vice president worked on Ukraine policy in the Obama administration.

Trump has been clear about his intentions to use Hunter Biden's work in his reelection bid, saying in March that it will be a "major issue" in the campaign. "I will bring that up all the time," he said then.

Touching on President Trump's frequent tweets on "Obamagate," his key phrase to refer to allegations that the Obama administration used government resources to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign, co-host Meghan McCain asked Schumer if he could say with "100% certainty" that this did not happen.

"I didn't say it, 17 intelligence agencies, these are non-partisan, people who have risked their lives for us, CIA, NSA, they said it. This came from Russians who wanted to divert attention from what they did, and for the President and Senate to spend time of this during the Covid crisis is just absolutely absurd," Schumer said.

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Posted by Erin Burnett to Trang Ánh Nam at May 22, 2020 at 2:30 PM

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