[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on President Donald Trump reacted to the stunning acc....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "President Donald Trump reacted to the stunning acc...":

Trump had no problem with China's concentration camps

Bolton describes several instances where Trump waffles on China-related issues after conversations with Xi, notably on the mass concentration camps Beijing was using to imprison and "re-educate" Uyghur Muslims. Bolton writes that according to the US interpreter in the room during a conversation between Xi and Trump at the G-20 meeting in June 2019, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was "exactly the right thing to do."

Bolton adds that Trump didn't want to sanction China for their crackdown on the Muslim minority because of ongoing trade negotiations. "Religious repression in China was also not on Trump's agenda; whether it was the Catholic Church or Falun Gong, it didn't register," Bolton writes.

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Posted by Erin Burnett to Trang Ánh Nam at June 18, 2020 at 6:52 PM

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