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 | CREEPER CREATIVE |  | | | | | Salmah Bibi reshared a post: I hosted an afternoon tea session at home with a group of my daughter's friends before MCO. TWG Tea is always my favourite choice; I went to my kitchen and returned with a large pot of 1837 Black Tea and an assortment of cups, including porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking cups. I told them to help themselves to the tea. After all of them had a cup of tea in their hands, I said: "Did you notice all the nice looking cups are taken and only the plain inexpensive ones are left behind?" "While it is normal for everyone to want the best for themselves, but that is the source of problems and stress in your life. " I said. "The cup itself adds no value and quality to the tea. In most of the cases, it's just cost more expensive and nicer to see.", I continued. "What all of you really wanted was tea, not the cup, but all of you consciously went for good looking expensive cups and then began eyeing on each other' s cups." "Let's consider that life is the tea and the jobs, houses, cars, money and position are the cups. What type of cup we have, does not define or change the quality of our lives." I emphasised. Moral: Sometimes we fail to enjoy the tea by concentrating only on the cup we have. Being happy doesn't mean everything's around you is not imperfect, but it is you've decided to see beyond the imperfections and find peace. And the peace lies within you, not in your career, jobs, or the houses you have. However, it's easy to say than done. I'm still finding my peace! Let's have a cuppa good tea! | | | | | More updates | Mohd Dzahir Mat Rejab shared a post: #UEL #EbitLew #Caprice #Kontroversi #PendakwahBebas #BlogSensasi: 'Kita cuba bawa kasih sayang, tapi ada yang benci'... | | | | | | | | You are receiving LinkedIn notification emails. | This email was intended for CREEPER CREATIVE (Digital Marketing Manager at Creeper Creative Sdn Bhd). Learn why we included this. |  | © 2021 LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. LinkedIn is a registered business name of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn. | | | |