[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains 'farting cows' r....

Trang Ánh Nam has left a new comment on your post "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains 'farting cows' r...":

"It really comes down to the question of, 'Isn't $10 million enough?' Like, when does it stop?" she asked. "At what point is it amoral that we're building Jeff Bezos a helipad when we have the most amount of homeless people in New York City?"

First of all, 'freedom' means you don't get a say in how much someone else gets to have if they work for it. Second of all...no, it is not amoral that Jeff Bezos gets a helipad, because 'we' aren't building it for him. HE is, with the money he EARNED. He didn't bust into a bank and steal that money. He didn't even steal it from all the people who bought things on Amazon. He got it by giving something to people that they wanted enough to give his company money, and he earned the money by doing that better than the competitors. It would, however, be EVIL to steal his money just because you are envious and have not been able to produce similar results with YOUR labor. Sorry; pouring drinks just doesn't earn as much money as building and running a successful company.

And the homeless? Well, a good deal of that is due to mental illness. NONE of it is because of 'rich people' having 'too much money'. There isn't a single person in America who is homeless because some rich guy somewhere made more than 10 million dollars.

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Posted by Trang Ánh Nam to Trang Ánh Nam at February 22, 2019 at 12:41 AM

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