[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Fox News' Sean Hannity Declares "Journalism in thi....

Trang Ánh Nam has left a new comment on your post "Fox News' Sean Hannity Declares "Journalism in thi...":

Your colleague Chris Wallace disputed in an interview with Reince Priebus on Fox News Sunday, the argument over crowd size and what Trump said at the CIA about the feud with the intelligence community being made up by the media.

I can't comment on that because I didn't see it. But let me just give you big-picture stuff. This is how shallow our news media is. This is their gotcha game just to make Donald Trump look bad.

It was the Trump administration that started the crowd debate.

OK. And I am saying the media in general, the mainstream media, they are lazy and they are agenda-driven hard left.

There was discussion that this was a way of diverting attention away from the women's march.

What are you talking about? That's all the media focused on. Every time I turned on the TV there [were] people marching. First of all, Donald Trump said everybody has a right to march. If people want to waste their Saturdays getting together and marching, it will accomplish nothing to watch a washed-up pop star like Madonna flip off as many curse words in a minute as she can for CNN.

If Trump said something false, would you point it out?

Of course, I have a fidelity to truth. But if we're going to argue how many angels dance on the head of a pin, I have no interest in superfluous nonsense. You know, I usually like to wait until 3 o'clock on Mondays to get worked up. You've got me going very early.

Do you think he has any self-destructive tendencies?

The media would like to create this caricature that he's a loose cannon. "Oh my God, he's got the nuclear codes." I've known him for decades, and Donald Trump is at his core incredibly, intuitively, extremely bright and a counter-puncher. He will never, ever, ever usually hit first. When he has been wronged, he's going to let you know he thinks he's been wronged. So what? We have become a nation of total babies.

So why does he complain about trivial things like his portrayal on Saturday Night Live?

You want to know my opinion, watching this guy take all of the incoming he's taken and still fight back? That sounds like somebody who's pretty brave and courageous to me. If he's going to fight for America the way he fights for himself, I think that would make him a great president. I want somebody standing up for our country, not apologizing for it the way Obama did for eight years, which was humiliating and embarrassing.

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Posted by Trang Ánh Nam to Trang Ánh Nam at February 21, 2019 at 10:01 PM

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